Needles and Haystacks
So, I know that I do want to do a blog for my lovely website - but - well I’m getting well and truly fed up. It just seems to go on and on! Prep of pictures, uploading writing descriptions - and all I want to do is something simple with the plan that I’ll embellish as I go along.
To make matters worse I can’t do this at home because the recent storm Ciaran has wiped out my phone line and internet so, here I am dutifully bashing away at my computer in the local cafe. Lol although its just occurred to me that I could write this at home and then copy paste it into the website - if that’s how the blog bit of the site works.
Keep your eye on the prize Tracy, you want people to see your art and this is the price to pay! For the moment I’m only offering prints for sale here and I’ll have to remember to put something somewhere to say that the originals are available but that you’ll have to email me for those while I decide if I want that to be a “variant” - haven’t decided how many signed copies I’m going to do either. Sitting here at the beginning of my artistic journey 25 signed copies seems like a lot but I think I need to think bigger than that. And what on earth is an SKU? Yes that’s right this is my first proper shop - although I did have a brief flirtation with Etsy.
Needles and haystacks hey? If you’re reading this you are a miracle!!! How on earth did you find me? Haha I probably gave you the link to the website - hello Mum!!.
Still from little acorns great oaks do grow and I think I’m just going to “publish and be damned” after this there’s no SEO to speak of, not sure if the shop’s set up properly but I’m pretty sure that I have plenty of time before someone wants to buy something and my pictures look nice so I’m going to stop sweating it - hit the publish button and get back to my Dog!!!
Thank you for getting this far and I promise the next blog post will be more interesting.
Lots of love